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Bentley, Toni

The surrender

Toni Bentley's discovery of the joys of anal sex is told in this book in a way that shows a couple of things. Firstly, that she has a dancer's approach to her body, regarding it as an instrument to be used as effectively as possible, in this case to achieve the best orgasms possible. Secondly, that she is totally unembarrased and matter-of-fact when describing sex acts she has performed so far and the pleasure she got or gets out of them. And of course the practical advice on performing (or preparing for) anal sex comes in handy for those who would like to try it for themselves sometimes. And lastly, that ms. Bentley shows a tendency more often encountered in French female authors toward sublimation and putting her thoughts about her sexual feelings on an intellectual level; possibly thus wanting to make her book more "salonfaehig" for a mainstream readership.
  • Editorial: Harper Collins |
  • Ano: 2004 |
  • Idioma: inglés |
  • ISBN: 978-0-00-722150-9 |