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Mironins. A book for playing and learning with Joan Miró
An activity and games book for kids aged 3 and upwards. As they play with the Mironins characters who have escaped from one of Joan Mirós paintings theyll have fun and learn about the life and work of one of the most remarkable Catalan artists of the 20th century. Joan Miró i Ferrà was born in the centre of Barcelona on 20 April 1893. He grew up in the city, where he lived with his parents and his little sister. Here is where he learnt to do what he liked best to draw and paint. Later in life, he also made sculptures and worked with other materials such as ceramic or bronze. He died as an old man in Palma de Mallorca. Now, if youd like to play and learn with Mirós work, follow the Mironins. These little characters have escaped from one of his paintings and youll find them throughout the book!
- Editorial: Gustavo Gili |
- Ano: 2013 |
- Páxinas: 56 |
- Dimensións: 280x240 |
- Idioma: castelán |
- Tradución: Torrecillas Pattison, Alex |
- ISBN: 978-84-252-2685-4 |