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Gross, Kenneth

On Dolls

Some of the greatest thinkers and writers of our age, such as Baudelaire, Rilke, Kleist, Freud and Kafka, meditate on play and the mysteries of inanimate life.

On Dolls includes contributions from: Heinrich Von Kleist On the Marionette Theatre, Charles Baudelaire The Philosophy of Toys, Sigmund Freud The Uncanny, Rainer Maria Rilke On the Dolls of Lotte Pritzel, Franz Kafka The Cares of a Family Man, Bruno Schulz Tailors’ Dummies, Walter Benjamin Old Toys: The Toy Exhibition at the Märkisches Museum, Elizabeth Bishop Cirque d’Hiver, Dennis Silk The Marionette Theatre, Marina Warner On the Threshold: Sleeping Beauties.
  • Editorial: Notting Hill Editions |
  • Ano: 2012 |
  • Idioma: inglés |
  • ISBN: 978-1-907903-53-3 |