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Companion Piece

A celebration of companionship in all its timeless and contemporary, legendary and unpindownable, spellbinding and shapeshifting forms... It follows the unique achievement of her Seasonal cycle of novels - Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer - written and published in as close as possible to real time, between 2016 and 2020, absorbing and refracting the times we are living through: the 'state-of-the-nation novels which understand that the nation is you, is me, is all of us.' (New Statesman).| 6TE|58951|001|1|A celebration of companionship in all its timeless and contemporary, legendary and unpindownable, spellbinding and shapeshifting forms... It follows the unique achievement of her Seasonal cycle of novels - Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer - written and published in as close as possible to real time, between 2016 and 2020, absorbing and refracting the times we are living through: the 'state-of-the-nation novels which understand that the nation is you, is me, is all of us.' (New Statesman).
  • Editorial: PENGUIN |
  • Idioma: inglés |
  • ISBN: 978-0-241-99395-8 |